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As we prepare for the 2021 Arkansas State Youth Conference, let’s remember the Reginald K. Murdock, Jr. Sponsorship and Scholarship.  The deadline will have passed for our high school seniors and college students to apply for the college scholarship when this form is required.  It is now time for you to nominate an individual from your youth group to receive the sponsorship for next year’s conference.  Please talk this over with your youth workers and send in this form along with registration materials.  As we did last year, the sponsorship recipient will be voted on by the youth at the conference.  The sponsorship is open to conference attendees that have attended multiple conferences unless they are a new convert who has been greatly involved with the youth group within the last year.  We want to honor those who have been involved, are helpful, display a good Christian attitude, are hard workers, and are a good influence.   Please name your nominee below and provide information about them that can be read during the conference.  Please remember that the youth should not know they have been nominated.

Thank you,

Kellee Mitchell Farris, Foundation Chair

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